If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions and are struggling, I would like the opportunity to help you. 

  • Are you single and having difficulty finding that special person or maintaining a relationship?
  • Have you recently experienced the end of a relationship and finding it very hard to “move on”?
  • Are you having difficulty leaving someone even though you know staying  is unhealthy?
  • Have you experienced the death of a loved one and are struggling to face life without them?
Copyright © 2011 Lee Ann Morgan, LMFT . All rights reserved.

I have worked successfully with individuals and couples who were dealing with financial challenges, emotional/physical intimacy, poor communication, balancing family and relationships, parenting, integrating blended families and healing after an affair.

  • Has your job or career become more challenging and yet less fulfilling?
  • Are your job frustrations and long hours interfering with your personal life?
  • Have you been laid off and are experiencing difficulty looking for or finding a new job?
  • Are you living with the stress of a potential job loss?

  • Are you dealing with the emotional roller coaster of being newly diagnosed with 
      cancer or a life-limiting disease?
  • Is your physical health interfering with your quality of life?

  • Are you feeling stuck in your grief over the death of a loved one?
  • Do you suffer from anxiety and have a fear of being alone?
  • Do you ever feel you can’t go on and think suicidal thoughts?
  • Are you anticipating the death of a loved one and need help coping?

I have worked successfully with individuals in the following areas: unsatisfying or difficult relationships, depression, poor self-image and/or self-esteem, difficulty managing anger, sexual dysfunction and/or abuse, panic and anxiety, eating disorders, coping with chronic or terminal illness, and grief and loss.
"By virtue of being human, each of us has the capacity to choose, to change, to grow."  
-Eknath Easwaran